It exists everywhere...

"27 million slaves exist in our world today...Go behind the facade in any major town or city in the world today and you are likely to find a thriving commerce in human beings. You may even find slavery in your own backyard." -David Batstone

Human trafficking is a practice that involves manipulation, contortion, deceit, trickery, and bondage. It is the most rapidly growing criminal industry in the world, yet most of the time it goes unnoticed. Enormous amounts of women are being forced to give up their bodies at sex brothels, while children in Uganda are being kidnapped only to be taught how to torture and kill. Forms of human trafficking can even be found in your own backyard.The purpose of this blog is not only to inform the world of the social justice and Catholic Social Teaching involved with human trafficking, but also to inspire young people to join the fight against this modern-day slave trade.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

A basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. We need to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first. Again, as members of a privileged society, our main focus should be on helping those who are less fortunate than we are. Those who are most vulnerable to being trafficked are the poor. Thus, in order to stop human trafficking, poverty around the world needs to be taken care of.

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